T. Pan, C. K. Verginis, and L. E. Kavraki, “Robust and Safe Task-Driven Planning and Navigation for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teams with Uncertain Dynamics,” in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2024, pp. 3482–3489.
Task and motion planning (TAMP) can enhance intelligent multi-robot coordination. TAMP becomes significantly more complicated in obstacle-cluttered environments and in the presence of robot dynamic uncertainties. We propose a control framework that solves the motion-planning problem for multi-robot teams with uncertain dynamics, addressing a key component of the TAMP pipeline. The principal part of the proposed algorithm constitutes a decentralized feedback control policy for tracking of reference paths taken by the robots while avoiding collision and adapting in real time to the underlying dynamic uncertainties. The proposed framework further leverages sampling-based motion planners to free the robots from local-minimum configurations. Extensive exper- imental results in complex, realistic environments illustrate the superior efficiency of the proposed approach, in terms of planning time and number of encountered local minima, with respect to state-of-the-art baseline methods.
Publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IROS58592.2024.10802695
PDF preprint: http://kavrakilab.org/publications/pan2024-iros.pdf